Tuesday, May 14, 2013

20.) Crank by Ellen Hopkins

“Have you ever had so much to say that your mouth closed up tight struggling to harness the nuclear force coalescing within your words? Have you ever had so many thoughts churning inside you that you didn’t dare let them escape in case they blew you wide open?"

Crank by Ellen Hopkins (Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2004)
(Crank, Book 1)

Genre: Problem Novel, General Fiction, Series 

Honors: Abraham Lincoln Award (2009) [Honors Information found at Goodreads.com]

Review: Kristina visits her dead-beat dad one summer. While visiting him she discovers Bree, and alter-ego that seems to emerge and does all the things that "good-girl" Kristina wouldn't. Flirting with dangerous boys and experimenting with substances. Soon Bree introduces Kristina to "the monster" aka meth. Bree/Kristina soon become addicted and even after she come home she begins to lead a very dangerous life-style that results in serious problems for such a young girl. 

Opinion: This book really effected me emotionally. It basically scared the hell out of me and I wanted to run into my daughter's room to hug her when I was reading it. It looks like a monster sized book but it reads very very quickly. I want to keep reading the rest of the series just to see what happens to this poor girl! The story doesn't get resolved at the end and the girl doesn't get better in this book which is unusual for a problem novel to be a series. 

Ideas: This is a good book for anyone who likes problem novels, or likes stories that center around drug addition and the negative effects of it. If someone likes Go Ask Alice they would probably also like this book and series. This would also make a good addition to a problem novel display. 

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