Thursday, May 16, 2013

43.) Iron Man 3

"You know, it's times like these when I realize what a superhero I am."

Iron Man 3 by Marvel Studios, Paramount Pictures (2013)

Genre: Superheros, movies

Honors: Golden Trailer Awards (4 Nominations, 1 Win)

Review: The movie starts out twelve years ago on New Years Eve 1999. Stark is approached by a scientist,
Aldrich Killian, who is trying to discuss an opportunity for Stark to join his company A.I.M. Stark rejects and humiliates Killian. Going forward twelve years Stark is having trouble getting over some PTSD that accompanied his after his fight with the Avengers in New York. He spends all his time working on different suits, but in the mean time a terrorist, The Madarin, keeps hacking the airwavs and broadcasting bombs going off all over the country. Stark openly challenges The Mandarin, and suffers reprocusions by having his house attacked and Pepper nearly killed. He suit flys him to safty but then fails. While Tony reboots the suit he must rely on himself without the suit to save Pepper who is kidnapped by Killian. 

Opinion: I am hard pressed to find one thing I didn't like about this movie! It was great! The thing I loved most about it was that Pepper was no damsel in distress, and instead saved Tony a couple of times. This movie looked super serious in the trailers but it was far more amusing then I anticipated. I want to see it again as soon as possible.  

Ideas: I would recommend this to anyone who really likes super heros, or action movie, or funny movies because it has all of those elements. I would recommend some Iron Man graphic novels in conjunction with this movie because it would be nice to know some background of the character of Iron Man.

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