Wednesday, May 15, 2013

30.) Runaways Volume One by Brian K. Vaughan

“How is it possible that our parents lied to us?"

"Lets see: Santa, the Tooth Fairy,the Easter bunny, um, God. You're the prettiest kid in school. This wont hurt a bit. Your face will freeze like that..."

 Runaways Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan (Marvel, 2006)
(Runaways, Vol. 1)

Genre: Graphic Novel, Teenage Superheros 

Honors: No honors found

Review: Nico, Karolina, Gertrude, Chase, and Molly are fourced to hang out every year while their parents have some sort of meeting. But this time the kids decide to spy on their parents to discover that their parents are some sort of super villians and kill a young girl! So they decide to find more proof and the secrets just keep getting unveiled. Now they must find a safe place to lie low and figure out what to do. The only problem is that their parents now know that they the children know their secrets.

Opinion: I have been meaning to read this for a while so I thought that this was a great chance (like many of the books I read for this assignment actually), I really enjoy Brian K. Vaughan but I am only familiar with his more serious writing and was wondering how he did with teenagers. I really enjoyed the story and can't wait to read more. 

Ideas: I would recommend to anyone who is trying to break into a super hero genre but doesn't know where to start. It's set in the Marvel universe so there is mention of other well known characters like, Captain America, etc.  I might also recommend to someone who isn't into super heroes but isn't against them either.

Individual comic cover

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